Current Events

A study found a dramatic increase in fentanyl-laced counterfeit prescription pills seized by law enforcement. Israel expanded attacks in Gaza, a man died after receiving a genetically modified pig kidney transplant, a geomagnetic storm hit Earth, gangs in Haiti control the capital, and Olivia and Liam remain popular baby names.

Key Points

  • Dramatic increase in fentanyl-laced counterfeit prescription pills seized by law enforcement
  • Expansion of Israel's attacks in Gaza
  • Death of Richard Slayman after receiving a genetically modified pig kidney transplant
  • Impact of a large geomagnetic storm on Earth
  • Control of the capital city of Port-au-Prince by gangs in Haiti
  • Popularity of the names Olivia and Liam


  • Highlighting the rising threat of counterfeit pills
  • Significant milestone in xenotransplantation with genetically modified pig kidney transplant


  • Rising death toll from counterfeit pills
  • Conflict and violence in Gaza