Hollywood Fundraiser with President Joe Biden and Celebrities

SOURCE www.breitbart.com
President Joe Biden to join former President Barack Obama at a star-studded Hollywood fundraiser with celebrities like George Clooney and Julia Roberts. Biden's campaign has been successful in fundraising, surpassing Trump's campaign in cash on hand. The event featured various entertainment personalities and raised millions of dollars.

Key Points

  • Biden's campaign raised $26 million at a star-studded fundraiser in New York
  • Biden ended March with $85.5 million in cash on hand and his financial position is double that of Trump
  • Celebrities like George Clooney and Julia Roberts are actively involved in fundraising efforts


  • Successful fundraising event
  • Engagement with grassroots donors and top celebrities
  • High-profile support from celebrities like George Clooney and Julia Roberts


  • Reliance on celebrity endorsements over grassroots support
  • Decline in approval ratings for President Joe Biden