Hunterbrook Media's Potential Conflicts of Interest in Investigative Journalism

Hunterbrook Media, a newsroom that places stock market bets to profit from its journalism, is under scrutiny for potential conflicts of interest. The company's founder has investments in a competitor to a company that was the subject of a critical article. Hunterbrook Media's business model involves shorting its targets' stock while doing investigative journalism. The company recently reported on Safety Shot, a drink claiming to lower blood alcohol content, without disclosing the founder's investment in a similar company, ZBiotics. The article raises questions about journalistic integrity and conflicts of interest in the media industry.

Key Points

  • Hunterbrook Media's business model involves shorting stock of companies it reports on
  • Founder's investment in ZBiotics raises concerns about transparency
  • Safety Shot and ZBiotics are in a similar market space, leading to potential conflicts of interest


  • Engages in confrontational journalism
  • Raises questions about journalistic integrity and conflicts of interest


  • Potential conflict of interest with the founder's investment in a competitor company
  • Risk of undermining trust with the audience due to ulterior motives