Psychedelic Entrepreneurship

JJ Wilson, son of Lululemon founder Chip Wilson, co-founded Optimi Health to produce pharma-grade psychedelics. The company aims to revolutionize mental health treatment with microdosing psychedelics. Wilson believes psychedelics will become as common as multivitamins in the near future.

Key Points

  • JJ Wilson co-founded Optimi Health to produce pharma-grade psychedelics
  • Psychedelics could replace antidepressants in the future
  • Legal psychedelics market expected to generate $11 billion by 2027


  • Potential to revolutionize mental health treatment
  • Microdosing psychedelics could offer alternative to antidepressants
  • Growing acceptance and legalization of psychedelics for therapeutic use


  • Safety concerns around scalability and proper dosages of psychedelics
  • Risk of adverse reactions and destabilization from psychedelic use