AI Necromancy: The Debate Over Digital Replicas of Dead Celebrities

Senator Thom Tillis plays a new song from Drake in Congress featuring a synthetic verse from the late rapper Tupac Shakur, sparking a debate on AI necromancy and digital replicas of dead celebrities. Tupac's estate sends a cease-and-desist letter to Drake. Legal questions arise over the use of AI to resurrect dead celebrities without permission.

Key Points

  • Senator Thom Tillis plays a Drake song in Congress featuring a synthetic Tupac verse, sparking a debate on AI necromancy.
  • Tupac's estate sends a cease-and-desist letter to Drake for using the late rapper's voice without permission.
  • Legal experts weigh in on the murky legal landscape surrounding AI-generated digital replicas of dead celebrities.


  • AI technology allows for the resurrection of the voices of deceased celebrities like Tupac Shakur.
  • The debate surrounding AI necromancy highlights legal and ethical questions regarding the rights of individuals and their estates to control digital replicas.


  • The use of AI to generate synthetic voices of dead celebrities raises concerns about exploitation and legacy preservation.
  • Legal ambiguity exists regarding the rights of deceased celebrities' estates in controlling AI-generated replicas.