California's Medicaid Initiative - CalAIM and In-Home Asthma Remediation

California's Medicaid initiative, CalAIM, is transforming healthcare by providing social services to patients, including in-home asthma remediation. Community health workers are helping families like Fabiola Sandoval's in Turlock, improving children's health and quality of life.

Key Points

  • CalAIM initiative aims to reduce healthcare costs by providing social services to vulnerable patients
  • Community health workers play a crucial role in educating families and improving health outcomes
  • Limited funding and workforce hinder the full implementation of the program


  • Improves access to healthcare and social services for low-income residents through Medi-Cal
  • Helps families identify and control asthma triggers in the home
  • Provides essential supplies and equipment to manage asthma, improving quality of life for children


  • Worker shortages and complex billing systems have slowed down the delivery of services to eligible patients
  • Limited awareness and utilization of new services among doctors and patients
  • Challenges in hiring and training workers to effectively reach and assist eligible patients