CDC Warning Against Drinking Raw Milk Due to Bird Flu Outbreak in Dairy Cattle

CDC warns against drinking raw milk as bird flu outbreak spreads through dairy cattle in the US. Federal officials confirm 42 herds in 9 states infected with H5N1 virus. Virus found in raw milk but pasteurization kills it. CDC labels raw milk as risky due to potential contamination with harmful germs.

Key Points

  • 42 herds in 9 states infected with H5N1 virus
  • CDC warns against consuming raw milk due to contamination risks
  • Virus found in raw milk but pasteurization kills it
  • Raw milk more likely to cause illnesses compared to pasteurized milk


  • Federal officials tracking infected herds and taking precautions
  • Public awareness raised on risks of consuming raw milk


  • Potential risk of infection and illnesses from consuming raw milk
  • Concerns about virus mutation and spread to humans