Political Support for Trump

SOURCE www.breitbart.com
Speaker Mike Johnson travelled to a New York courtroom to appear by Donald Trump, despite ruling out using his power to aid Trump in legal battles. Johnson's coalition government was saved by Democrats. Johnson announced he would not stop special counsel Jack Smith's investigation into Trump. Trump offered tepid support for Johnson after a photo op at Mar-a-Lago. Johnson surrendered leverage on the FAA bill to the Senate, despite pressure from some Republicans to defund Smith's office.

Key Points

  • Johnson traveled to New York to support Trump in court
  • Johnson announced he would not stop special counsel's investigation into Trump
  • Trump offered tepid support for Johnson after a photo op
  • Johnson surrendered leverage on the FAA bill to the Senate


  • Speaker Johnson showed support for President Trump
  • Democrats saved Johnson's speakership


  • Johnson ruled out using Congress's power to aid Trump
  • Johnson surrendered leverage on the FAA bill