President Biden's Poll Numbers and Potential Impact on 2024 Election

President Biden's poll numbers are lagging in key swing states as he closes out the final year of his term, with former President Trump leading in some critical states, potentially impacting the 2024 election.

Key Points

  • Polls indicate a potential loss for Biden in critical states he narrowly won in 2020.
  • Former President Trump is leading in Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona, according to recent polls.
  • Biden's economic policies and response to crises are under scrutiny.


  • Biden has implemented popular policies like bailing out student loans and fighting Big Pharma.
  • Administration's focus on lowering healthcare costs and expanding Affordable Care Act (ACA).


  • Polls show Biden trailing Trump in key swing states like Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona.
  • Criticism regarding the handling of the pandemic, gas prices, and Russia's war with Ukraine.