Resignation of Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Allegations of Nuclear Secrets Leak

Russian defense minister Sergei Shoigu and several of his deputies resigned amidst rumors of leaking nuclear secrets and involvement in government corruption scandals. Shoigu was reassigned to a new role as secretary of Russia's Security Council, with an economist taking over his position.

Key Points

  • Resignation of Russian defense minister Sergei Shoigu and several deputies amidst rumors of nuclear secrets leak
  • Appointment of an economist, Andrei Belousov, to improve efficiency in Russia's war economy
  • Government corruption scandal involving Russian Defense Ministry personnel


  • Efforts to improve the efficiency of Russia's war economy
  • Crackdown on government corruption


  • Uncertainty surrounding the exact reasons for Shoigu's removal
  • Allegations of leaking nuclear secrets and potential state treason charges