Advocacy for Safe Return of American Doctors in Gaza

Sen. Tammy Duckworth is advocating for the safe return of Dr. Adam Hamawy and other American doctors trapped in Gaza, who are providing critical medical care amidst a humanitarian crisis.

Key Points

  • Sen. Tammy Duckworth is working to ensure the safe return of Dr. Adam Hamawy and other American doctors in Gaza.
  • The Biden administration is actively engaged in advocating for the medical group's safe departure from Gaza.
  • The medical group in Gaza is facing dire conditions with shortages of medical supplies, food, and water.


  • Sen. Tammy Duckworth's advocacy is bringing attention to the plight of American doctors trapped in Gaza.
  • Efforts are being made by the Biden administration to ensure the safe return of the medical group.


  • The medical group in Gaza is facing severe restrictions, lack of basic medical supplies, food, and water.