Assassination Attempt on Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico

Slovakian pro-Putin prime minister Robert Fico was gunned down in an assassination attempt. He was shot at multiple times, with one bullet hitting him in the abdomen. The attacker, a 71-year-old Slovakian, was detained by security forces. Fico's political stance and controversial policies have led to country-wide protests. The motive behind the shooting is not yet known.

Key Points

  • Robert Fico, pro-Putin prime minister of Slovakia, was shot at multiple times in an assassination attempt
  • Fico's controversial policies have sparked country-wide protests
  • The attacker, a 71-year-old Slovakian, was detained by security forces
  • International leaders have condemned the attack as an assault on democracy


  • Swift action by security forces to detain the attacker
  • International condemnation of political violence


  • Violent attack on a political leader
  • Uncertainty surrounding the motive behind the shooting