Neuralink's Brain Implants and FDA Approval

Neuralink faces challenges as tiny wires in brain implants retract, potentially affecting brain signals; FDA aware of issue since animal testing; company aims to restore implant's function by making changes to algorithm; company seeks to design threads for seamless removal; company faces safety concerns and complications during trials; researchers debate causes of inflammation in brain; FDA issues notice for Trilogy EVO Continuous Ventilators

Key Points

  • FDA aware of wire retraction issue since animal testing
  • Neuralink aims to design threads for seamless removal and future updates to the implant
  • Safety concerns and complications faced during trials
  • Researchers debate causes of inflammation in the brain
  • FDA issues notice for Trilogy EVO Continuous Ventilators


  • Neuralink's brain implants could help paralyzed patients use digital devices through thought alone
  • The company managed to restore the implant's ability to monitor brain signals by making changes to the algorithm


  • Tiny wires in the brain implants retracted from a patient's brain during the first human trial
  • Challenges may arise if more wires retract and the algorithm tweak is insufficient