Crime and EV adoption in Democrat-run California

Thieves are targeting EV charging stations in Democrat-run California, stealing copper cables. The lack of consequences for crime in Democrat-run cities is leading to vandalism of charging stations, creating reliability issues for EV drivers. The article criticizes Democrats for being soft on crime while pushing for EV adoption.

Key Points

  • Thieves targeting EV charging stations for copper cables
  • Lack of consequences for crime leading to vandalism
  • Reliability concerns for EV drivers due to thefts
  • Criticism of Democrats for being soft on crime while promoting EV adoption


  • Highlighting potential unintended consequences of EV adoption in areas with high crime rates
  • Raising awareness about the vulnerability of EV charging stations to theft


  • Promoting a partisan narrative by blaming Democrats for the crime issues
  • Suggesting that Democrats are hypocritical in their policies regarding crime and EV adoption