Debate over Gender Reassignment Surgeries and Religious Beliefs

HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra and Rep. Mary Miller clash over gender reassignment surgeries during a House hearing. Becerra faces accusations of withholding federal funds from hospitals that refuse to perform transgender surgeries on religious grounds.

Key Points

  • Becerra asserts that doctors with religious objections are not required to offer care and won't receive federal funding
  • Accusations that the new HHS rule could tie hospitals' hands on transgender surgeries
  • Concerns raised by Catholic and conservative groups about the impact on religious freedom and medical judgment


  • Ensuring access to gender-affirming care for individuals identifying as LGBTQ+
  • Protecting the rights of doctors to have religious objections to providing certain medical services


  • Potential withholding of federal funds from hospitals that do not perform transgender surgeries on religious grounds
  • Accusations of threatening the care of millions of Americans by targeting faith-based health care institutions