Dismissal of Charges Against Pro-Hamas Protesters at Arizona State University Campus

SOURCE www.breitbart.com
Charges against 71 protesters arrested in Arizona State University Campus dismissed by judge. Pro-Hamas protesters faced trespassing charges. Rally held in support of accused organized by Mass Liberation Arizona. Some protesters associated with Mass Liberation Project funded by donors including Jewish billionaires. ASU issued statement addressing arrests of 72 people for setting up unauthorized encampment on campus. Only 20 of the defendants were ASU students who were suspended by the university.

Key Points

  • Judge dismissed charges against 71 protesters arrested at Arizona State University Campus
  • Pro-Hamas protesters faced trespassing charges
  • Support rally organized by Mass Liberation Arizona
  • ASU issued statement addressing arrests of 72 people for setting up unauthorized encampment on campus
  • 20 of the defendants were ASU students who were suspended by the university


  • Charges against protesters dismissed
  • Support rally organized for accused


  • Protesters may face future prosecution