Francis Ford Coppola's film 'Megalopolis'

Francis Ford Coppola returns to Cannes 45 years after 'Apocalypse Now' with his deeply personal film 'Megalopolis', a high-concept allegory on his relationship to art. The film explores themes of greed, corruption, loyalty, and power in the clash between a conservative politician and a forward-thinking urban designer over the future of a city.

Key Points

  • Explores themes of greed, corruption, loyalty, and power
  • Clash between conservative politician and urban designer
  • Innovative world-building blending modern New York, ancient Rome, and Pandora's forests
  • Strong performances from cast members
  • Reflects Coppola's personal relationship to art and cinema


  • Expansive insights into art, life, and legacy
  • Recklessly ambitious and ginormous epic
  • Strong performances from a first-rate cast
  • Unique and imaginative world-building


  • Some elements may come across as garish and idea-bloated
  • Mixed reviews on the execution of the large-scale production
  • Tone shifts between Shakespearean and campy may not resonate with all viewers