Influence of Human Rights Campaign on Corporate Decisions

Companies are being influenced by the Human Rights Campaign to offer sex change surgeries for employees' children in order to boost profits through the Corporate Equality Index; however, the HRC has been reported to have a toxic work environment and may not be a reliable authority on ethical corporate behavior. The 1792 Exchange provides a counterbalance with data-based Spotlight Bias Reports to help companies focus on business decisions rather than divisive social issues.

Key Points

  • Companies are influenced by the ESG movement to cater to the LGBTQ+ community to improve their ratings.
  • 1792 Exchange offers data-based reports to counterbalance woke ideologies and help companies focus on business decisions.
  • The Human Rights Campaign's influence may not align with ethical practices, as reported by BuzzFeed.


  • Companies can use the Corporate Equality Index to attract investments and improve their shareholder returns.


  • The Human Rights Campaign has been reported to have a toxic work environment and may not be a reliable authority on ethical corporate behavior.