Israeli Defense Minister Criticizes Government Policy on Postwar Gaza

Israeli defense minister criticizes government policy on postwar Gaza, leading to public division within the Israeli government. The U.S. administration withholds bomb shipment but continues to support Israel. 626 Israeli soldiers have fallen in the war. UNRWA accused of supporting terrorism and perpetuating conflict.

Key Points

  • Defense minister criticized own government's lack of postwar strategy for Gaza
  • Biden administration welcomed the defense minister's comments
  • Israeli government remains committed to ensuring Gaza does not pose a threat
  • Disagreements with the U.S. over weapon shipments
  • Accusations against UNRWA for supporting terrorism


  • Encourages open dialogue and free speech within a democratic society
  • Highlighted the need for a specific strategy for postwar Gaza


  • Public division within the Israeli government
  • Accusations against UNRWA for supporting terrorism