Robert Costello's Testimony on Trump Trial Grand Jury and Michael Cohen's NDA

Former adviser to Michael Cohen Robert Costello claims that the Trump trial grand jury did not receive all the necessary information and suggests some jurors may have 'Trump derangement syndrome.' Costello also discusses his interactions with the grand jury and Michael Cohen's involvement in the Stormy Daniels NDA.

Key Points

  • Costello believes the grand jury did not receive all exculpatory information he provided.
  • He suggests that some jurors may have bias against Trump, impacting the trial.
  • Costello recounts interactions with the grand jury and Michael Cohen's statements regarding the Stormy Daniels NDA.


  • Robert Costello provides insights into the Trump trial grand jury proceedings.
  • Costello offers details on Michael Cohen's involvement in handling the Stormy Daniels NDA.


  • Costello's claims of the grand jury not receiving all necessary information are based on his personal opinions.
  • Costello's views on 'Trump derangement syndrome' among jurors are speculative.