Surveillance and Privacy Concerns in the U.S. Government

The U.S. government has been buying sensitive information on private citizens from commercial data brokers, leading to concerns about privacy and surveillance. The new policy framework allows spy agencies to decide how to use this data, with vague limits and lack of clarity on safeguards. Senators like Ron Wyden are pushing for legislation to protect Americans' rights and ban data purchases from third-party brokers.

Key Points

  • U.S. government buying data on citizens from data brokers
  • New policy framework lacks clear limits and safeguards
  • Senators pushing for legislation to protect privacy rights


  • Potential for increased transparency and oversight due to Senator Ron Wyden's efforts.


  • Lack of clear rules and safeguards on the use of commercially available information by intelligence agencies.
  • Concerns about privacy violations and potential misuse of sensitive data.