U.S. Military Aid to Israel

SOURCE www.foxnews.com
Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel criticizes President Biden's handling of U.S. military aid to Israel amid the conflict with Hamas. House Speaker Mike Johnson accuses Biden and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of obstructing aid to Israel. Republicans push for legislation to force bomb deliveries to Israel despite opposition from Biden and Schumer.

Key Points

  • Former U.S. Ambassador criticizes Biden's 'abandonment' of Israel.
  • House Speaker Johnson accuses Biden and Schumer of defying Congress on aid to Israel.
  • Legislation proposed to compel delivery of defense weapons to Israel despite opposition.
  • White House signals potential veto of the bill even if it passes Congress.


  • Highlighting the importance of supporting Israel in its conflict with Hamas.
  • Drawing attention to political divisions and debates within the U.S. government regarding military aid.


  • Accusations of Biden and Schumer obstructing aid to Israel for political reasons.
  • The potential veto of legislation seeking to force bomb deliveries to Israel.