Brianne Dressen's Lawsuit Against AstraZeneca

Brianne Dressen filed a lawsuit against AstraZeneca after suffering severe injuries from their COVID-19 vaccine trial, claiming the company breached their contract by not providing promised compensation. The lawsuit is the first in the U.S. but AstraZeneca faces over 50 others in Europe. Dressen hopes to bring awareness to the lack of support from pharmaceutical companies in such cases.

Key Points

  • Brianne Dressen filed a lawsuit against AstraZeneca after suffering severe injuries from their COVID-19 vaccine trial
  • The lawsuit is the first filed against AstraZeneca in the U.S., but the company faces over 50 others in Europe related to the vaccine
  • Dressen claims the company breached their contract by not providing promised compensation for her injuries
  • She hopes to bring attention to the lack of support from pharmaceutical companies in cases like hers