Donald Trump's Campaign in Minnesota

Former President Donald Trump is scheduled to appear at a fundraiser for the Minnesota Republican Party in Minnesota, a state he lost twice but came close to winning in 2016. The state has been competitive for the last couple of decades, and Trump believes he can win over moderate Republicans to secure a victory in Minnesota.

Key Points

  • Minnesota has been a competitive state for the last couple of decades.
  • The voting dynamic in greater Minnesota has shifted since 2016, with regions like the Iron Range leaning more red.
  • Trump's path forward in Minnesota involves winning over moderate Republicans and voters who preferred Nikki Haley.


  • Trump's campaign believes they have a chance to win Minnesota based on the close margin in the 2016 election.
  • The state has been competitive for the last couple of decades, providing an opportunity for Trump's campaign.
  • Trump's path forward in Minnesota involves winning over moderate Republicans and voters who preferred former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley.


  • Trump lost to President Biden in 2020 by more than seven percentage points in Minnesota.
  • Minnesota has not voted for a Republican presidential candidate since 1972, presenting a historical challenge for Trump.
  • There is a long history of divided control at the Minnesota Capitol, indicating a challenging political landscape for Republicans.