Man Arrested for Faking Death to Avoid Registering as Sex Offender

A man in Arizona was arrested for faking his own death to avoid registering as a sex offender. He had failed to register as a sex offender outside of California and attempted to molest a 16-year-old client while working as a behavioral health counselor.

Key Points

  • The man, Benjamin Hollins, previously convicted as a sex offender in California, attempted to fake his own death to avoid registering as a sex offender in Arizona.
  • He was found living in Mesa, Arizona, under a false identity after failing to register outside of California.
  • Hollins had a history of criminal behavior, including attempting to molest a 16-year-old client while working as a behavioral health counselor.


  • Law enforcement was able to locate the man and hold him accountable for his actions.


  • The man put a family with young children at risk by living under a false identity.