San Quentin Film Festival in a California prison

San Quentin, a California prison, will host the inaugural San Quentin Film Festival in October, celebrating the work of current and formerly incarcerated filmmakers. The festival aims to increase awareness of the role of arts and media training in the prison system and provide career pathways to reduce recidivism.

Key Points

  • First film festival behind bars
  • Includes narrative short and documentary short competition categories
  • Features movies like Sing Sing starring Colman Domingo
  • Jury of incarcerated people to judge films about the prison experience
  • Co-directed by Rahsaan Thomas and Cori Thomas


  • Celebrates the work of current and formerly incarcerated filmmakers
  • Aims to create meaningful career pathways and reduce recidivism through arts and media training
  • Includes networking opportunities with entertainment industry insiders


  • Held in a prison environment