Former President Donald Trump's appearance in Minnesota

Former President Donald Trump is appearing in blue Minnesota to deliver a keynote address at the Minnesota Republican Party's Lincoln Reagan Dinner, aiming to flip traditionally blue strongholds in November. Recent polls show Trump in striking distance of President Biden in Minnesota.

Key Points

  • Trump is making an aggressive push to win over traditionally blue states like New York, New Jersey, New Mexico, Virginia, and Minnesota.
  • Recent polls show Trump with a competitive edge over President Biden in Minnesota.
  • The event marks the beginning of Trump's campaign efforts for the 2024 elections.


  • Trump's visit signals a strong effort to flip traditionally blue states in the upcoming elections.
  • Recent polls show Trump well within striking distance of President Biden in Minnesota.
  • The event marks the official kick-off of the 2024 campaign for Trump.


  • Minnesota has not voted red since 1972, making it a challenging state for Trump to win.
  • The event may polarize voters and deepen political divisions in the state.