Francis Ford Coppola's film 'Megalopolis' and his warnings about the parallels between ancient Rome and modern America

Director Francis Ford Coppola's latest film 'Megalopolis' draws parallels between ancient Rome's downfall and the current state of American politics, warning of a potential collapse of the republic. The film, described as bloated and boring by critics, explores themes of decline and corruption in both political culture and the film industry.

Key Points

  • Parallels between ancient Rome's downfall and current American politics
  • Warning about the potential collapse of the American republic
  • Exploration of decline and corruption in political culture and film industry


  • Raises thought-provoking questions about the state of American democracy
  • Addresses the decline of political culture and film industry
  • Showcases Coppola's passion project and dedication to filmmaking


  • Critics describe the film as bloated, boring, and shallow
  • Mixed reviews suggest the film may not resonate with all audiences