Francis Ford Coppola's new movie Megalopolis and political differences with cast members

Renowned filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola praises the cast of his new movie Megalopolis at Cannes Film Festival, including Jon Voight, an outspoken Trump supporter. Coppola and Voight acknowledge their political differences but agree on the film's message of unity and problem-solving. The movie depicts a futuristic New York in decline akin to the Roman Empire and has received mixed reviews. Coppola highlights the importance of artists shining a light on political trends.

Key Points

  • Francis Ford Coppola praises cast of Megalopolis, including Jon Voight
  • Coppola and Voight acknowledge political differences but emphasize unity
  • Movie depicts futuristic New York in decline akin to Roman Empire
  • Coppola highlights the importance of artists addressing political trends
  • Voight endorses Trump and emphasizes unity and problem-solving in the film


  • Promotes diverse political ideas within the cast
  • Encourages unity and problem-solving in the face of political differences
  • Shines a light on political trends and the dangers of neo-right and fascist traditions


  • Mixed reviews from critics
  • Potential controversy due to cast members' differing political views