Francis Ford Coppola's Views on U.S. Politics and 'Megalopolis'

Filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola expresses concern about the state of politics in the U.S., comparing it to the fall of the Roman republic. His film 'Megalopolis' reflects this sentiment. Critics at Cannes have mixed opinions about the movie. Coppola praises his diverse cast, including Trump supporter Jon Voight.

Key Points

  • Comparison between the decline of the Roman republic and the current state of politics in the U.S.
  • Depiction of a futuristic city in 'Megalopolis' reflecting decadent decline.
  • Praise for the diverse cast, including Jon Voight.


  • Coppola's insights can stimulate discussions about the current political climate in the U.S.
  • The film 'Megalopolis' offers a unique perspective on societal issues.


  • The film has received mixed reviews from critics.