House Oversight Committee Chaos

A House Oversight Committee meeting turned chaotic after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene mocked Rep. Jasmine Crockett's appearance, leading to personal insults and wild moments. Here are the five most insane moments of the fiery hearing.

Key Points

  • Personal insults between Rep. Greene and Rep. Crockett
  • Dramatic reading of a fundraising email by Rep. Moskowitz
  • Rep. Garcia displaying a blown-up photo of Trump allegedly sleeping
  • Rep. Luna and Rep. Goldman engaging in a heated exchange
  • Rep. Boebert apologizing for the chaos during the hearing


  • Highlighted issues within the House Oversight Committee
  • Brought attention to decorum rules in Congress


  • Derailed from discussing holding Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress
  • Displayed inappropriate behavior and personal attacks among lawmakers