Artist Mark Smith and His Taco Bell Paintings

Artist Mark Smith created three paintings for Taco Bell in 2003, which have since been stolen and sold on the underground art market for thousands of dollars. The paintings pay homage to American painter Maxfield Parrish and have dual aesthetic and commercial purposes.

Key Points

  • Smith's paintings pay homage to Maxfield Parrish and have dual aesthetic and commercial purposes
  • Artwork was designed to engage Taco Bell customers and create a unique experience in the restaurant
  • Paintings were stolen and are now being sold for high prices on secondhand sites
  • Smith's project with Taco Bell aimed to make art more accessible and less intimidating to the public


  • Unique opportunity to break down traditional barriers of the art world
  • Artwork accessible to a wider audience beyond galleries
  • Paintings have gained new life and value in the underground art market


  • Paintings have been stolen from various Taco Bell locations
  • Expensive prints circulating in the underground art market