Criticism of Left's Policing of Jokes

Stephen Merchant criticizes the left for policing jokes, noting a shift in who controls comedy boundaries. He highlights challenges in being creative amid heightened sensitivity and mentions the cancel culture threatening shows like The Office and Extras. The left's agenda is seen as divisive, contrasting with the unifying nature of humor. The article also touches on historical instances of censorship in entertainment.

Key Points

  • Stephen Merchant criticizes the left for policing jokes, highlighting a shift in comedy censorship
  • Challenges in creativity due to fear of backlash and cancel culture are discussed
  • Comparison of past and present comedy boundaries, with mentions of shows like The Office and Extras
  • The left's agenda is portrayed as divisive, in contrast to the unifying nature of humor


  • Sheds light on the impact of heightened sensitivity on comedy and free speech
  • Raises awareness about cancel culture and its effect on creative expression


  • May polarize readers based on political beliefs