Deadly Tornado in Greenfield, Iowa

A deadly tornado tore through the small town of Greenfield, Iowa, leaving a wide swath of obliterated homes, crumpled cars, and multiple casualties. Search and rescue efforts continue while survivors try to salvage what they can from the debris.

Key Points

  • Deadly tornado devastates Greenfield, Iowa, leaving a trail of destruction
  • Residents picking through debris to salvage belongings
  • Governor and officials hold press conference but details of casualties remain unclear
  • Severe weather moves eastward affecting parts of Illinois and Wisconsin
  • Tornado rated at least EF-3 with potential for higher ranking upon further assessment
  • Historically bad tornado season in the U.S. exacerbated by climate change


  • Swift response from authorities in conducting search and rescue operations
  • Community coming together to support each other in the aftermath of the disaster


  • Multiple casualties and extensive property damage
  • Loss of lives and injuries reported