Lara Trump's Role in the Republican National Committee

Lara Trump, the newly-elected co-chair of the Republican National Committee, is focused on ensuring Donald Trump becomes the 47th president and is reshaping the RNC in Trump's image. She has fired longtime staffers, allied with election deniers, and ramped up fundraising efforts. Critics worry that her focus on the presidential campaign may harm support for other candidates.

Key Points

  • Lara Trump aims to ensure Donald Trump becomes the 47th president
  • She has rebranded the RNC in Trump's image, firing longtime staffers
  • Alliances with election deniers and alt-right advocates have been formed
  • Critics worry that the RNC's focus on Trump's campaign may harm other candidates
  • Significant increase in fundraising efforts under Lara Trump's leadership


  • Increased fundraising efforts
  • Embracing Trump's political style and priorities
  • Merging GOP and Trump campaign for better coordination


  • Criticism for focusing too much on presidential campaign
  • Alliances with election deniers and fringe groups
  • Concerns about harming support for down-ballot candidates