Proposed Changes to Indonesia's Broadcast Law

Indonesia's parliament is proposing changes to its broadcast law that would ban investigative journalism and LGBTQ content, sparking criticism over restrictions to press freedom and creative expression.

Key Points

  • The bill proposes banning investigative reporting and content displaying violence, mysticism, LGBTQ, or negative behavior.
  • The changes could harm press freedom and creative expression in Indonesia.
  • Legislators have mentioned that the bill's revisions are still subject to change and will be debated.


  • Banning investigative journalism and LGBTQ content could restrict press freedom and creative expression.
  • The proposed bill does not provide details on how the ban on investigative reporting would work, leading to concerns about censorship.
  • The bill seeks to ban content displaying violence, mysticism, LGBTQ, or other behaviors that could potentially harm the public.
  • The proposed changes could undermine hard-won liberties since Indonesia emerged from authoritarian rule.
  • Critics argue that the bill would limit press independence and impede the creativity of the creative industry.