Russia's invasion of Ukraine

The roots of Russia's invasion of Ukraine go back decades and run deep. The current conflict is more than one country fighting to take over another; it is a shift in the world order. Peremoha, a small weekly newspaper in Krasnopillya, Ukraine, documents the exchanges of freed Ukrainian prisoners of war and fallen soldiers. The editor, Oleksandr Motsny, and his staff have become seasoned war correspondents, focusing on the human stories behind the conflict.

Key Points

  • Peremoha documents the exchanges of freed Ukrainian prisoners and fallen soldiers
  • The editor and staff have become seasoned war correspondents
  • The conflict has deeply impacted the lives of villagers in Krasnopillya


  • Peremoha sheds light on the human stories behind the conflict
  • The newspaper helps in welcoming and honoring freed Ukrainian soldiers


  • The ongoing conflict has resulted in the loss of lives and captivity of Ukrainian soldiers