Controversy at Simon Wiesenthal Center Gala

Hollywood superagent Ari Emanuel was booed and cheered at a gala dinner in Beverly Hills for calling for the resignation of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Emanuel, who received a humanitarian award, is known for his political connections and family ties to prominent figures. He criticized Netanyahu for damaging Israel's image and urged his resignation.

Key Points

  • Ari Emanuel criticized Netanyahu for damaging Israel's image and urged his resignation.
  • Emanuel is known for his political connections and family ties to prominent figures.
  • His speech at the gala sparked mixed reactions, with some attendees walking out.


  • Ari Emanuel spoke out against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's leadership.
  • Emanuel highlighted the importance of Jewish people speaking out and taking responsibility for their reputation.


  • Emanuel's call for Netanyahu's resignation was met with mixed reactions, including boos and cheers.
  • Some American Jewish leaders viewed the call for Netanyahu's ousting as interference in Israel's democracy.