Gun owners and voting behavior

Gun owners tend to vote more reliably compared to non-gun owners, contrary to claims made by some politicians such as Donald Trump. Research shows that the more guns one owns, the more likely one is to vote. Gun owners are an important political group in American politics, showing up consistently on Election Day.

Key Points

  • Gun owners tend to vote more reliably than non-gun owners
  • Research shows that the more guns one owns, the more likely one is to vote
  • Gun owners represent an important political group with a distinct vote choice


  • Gun owners are more likely to vote compared to non-owners
  • Research supports the correlation between gun ownership and political participation
  • High levels of voter turnout among gun owners can influence electoral outcomes


  • Some politicians make false claims about gun owners' voting behavior to stoke fears
  • Misinformation can lead to misconceptions about gun owners and their voting habits