Conflict between Israel and Palestinians in Gaza

The International Court of Justice ordered Israel to halt its offensive in Rafah, citing immense risk to the Palestinian population. The ruling left enough ambiguity for Israel to continue its offensive. The court also ordered Israel to keep the Rafah border crossing open for aid and allow UN access to Gaza for a fact-finding mission. Israeli political leaders condemned the ruling, while Hamas and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas welcomed it. The ruling could lead to international pressure on Israel to show more restraint.

Key Points

  • ICJ orders Israel to halt offensive in Rafah
  • Ambiguity in ruling allows Israel to interpret
  • Court orders Rafah border crossing to remain open for aid
  • UN access to Gaza for fact-finding mission
  • Potential for international pressure on Israel


  • International pressure on Israel to show more restraint
  • Possibility of UN Security Council involvement


  • Israeli political leaders condemned the ruling
  • Ambiguity in the ruling may allow Israel to continue offensive