Donald Trump Rally in the Bronx, New York

Thousands of Trump supporters gathered at Crotona Park in the Bronx, New York for a rally as Trump campaigns for the presidency, aiming to turn the traditionally blue state red. Despite low chances of winning, supporters showed enthusiasm and criticized the Biden administration. Trump's visit was met with mixed reactions from locals and politicians, with some praising him and others condemning his actions.

Key Points

  • Trump's visit aimed to appeal to Black and Hispanic voters in traditionally blue areas
  • Trump's low historical voter turnout in the Bronx
  • Bronx residents expressed mixed feelings towards Trump's visit
  • Bronx Congressman criticized Trump's priorities and impact on the Bronx


  • Enthusiastic Trump supporters gathered at the rally
  • Supporters showed dedication and hope for turning New York red
  • Highlighting Biden's economic record and crime increase could resonate with voters


  • Mixed reactions from locals and politicians towards Trump's visit
  • Criticism from Bronx Congressman Ritchie Torres for Trump's perceived lack of concern for the Bronx
  • Controversy surrounding Trump's ongoing criminal trial