JPMorgan Chase bank policy rollback on de-banking conservatives and nonprofit groups

JPMorgan Chase bank has rolled back a policy that led to the de-banking of several conservatives and nonprofit groups after facing criticism from Alliance Defending Freedom. The bank's WePay service had restrictions on accepting payments related to 'social risk issues.' Despite progress, ADF believes Chase still has work to do in terms of viewpoint diversity.

Key Points

  • JPMorgan Chase bank rolled back its WePay service policy on 'social risk issues.'
  • Alliance Defending Freedom praised the move.
  • JPMorgan Chase Chief Jamie Dimon previously denied claims of de-banking conservatives based on political views.
  • ADF believes Chase still has work to do in terms of viewpoint diversity.


  • Rolling back the policy may lead to more inclusivity and fairness in banking services.


  • The bank faced criticism for its previous policy that led to the de-banking of certain individuals and groups.