2024 Presidential Election Poll Results

SOURCE www.breitbart.com
Former President Donald Trump has an edge over President Joe Biden nationally in a deep field and a two-way race, according to an Emerson College poll. Trump leads by 5 points in a race with third-party candidates, and the margin tightens in a race exclusively between Trump and Biden. Biden is winning voters under 30, while Trump is winning voters in their 30s and 50s. Biden faces enthusiasm problems with the Democrat base.

Key Points

  • Trump leads Biden by 5 points in a race with third-party candidates.
  • Biden and Trump tie at 50% when leaners are included.
  • Voters under 30 break for Biden, while voters in their 30s and 50s lean towards Trump.
  • Biden faces serious enthusiasm problems within the Democrat base.


  • Trump leads in the poll in both a deep field and a two-way race.
  • Biden is winning voters under 30.


  • Biden faces enthusiasm problems with the Democrat base.