California Bill Banning School Districts from Notifying Parents About LGBTQ Identification

California lawmakers are introducing a bill that would ban school districts from notifying parents if their child identifies as LGBTQ. The bill aims to protect LGBTQ students and provide resources for their families, while opponents argue that it keeps parents in the dark.

Key Points

  • The bill, called the SAFETY Act, would ban school districts from notifying parents if their child identifies as LGBTQ
  • Opponents argue that parents have a right to be involved in their children's education
  • Proponents say the bill protects LGBTQ students and provides support for families


  • Protects LGBTQ students from potential harm or discrimination
  • Provides resources and support for families of LGBTQ students
  • Ensures educators are not retaliated against for not notifying parents


  • Opponents argue it keeps parents in the dark about their children's gender identity
  • Critics claim the bill is unconstitutional and violates parents' authority over their children