Melting of Glaciers in Venezuela and Worldwide

Venezuela has lost all its glaciers, with the Humboldt Glacier being the last to disappear due to climate change. Glaciers are large masses of ice formed by snow accumulation over centuries, but rising temperatures have led to their melting, contributing to global sea level rise. Scientists predict that 83% of the world's glaciers will be gone by 2100 if temperatures continue to increase.

Key Points

  • Venezuela is the first country in the Americas and modern history to lose all its glaciers
  • Rising temperatures and climate change have accelerated glacier melting worldwide
  • 83% of the world's glaciers may disappear by 2100 if current temperature trends continue


  • Increase in awareness about climate change and its impacts on natural landscapes
  • Opportunity for further study and research on ecosystems post-glacier disappearance


  • Loss of natural heritage and regional identity for the people of Mérida, Venezuela
  • Contribution to global sea level rise and potential environmental consequences