Right Side Broadcasting Network's Coverage of Donald Trump

SOURCE apnews.com
Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) has grown from an upstart internet broadcaster to a major player in Trump’s MAGA universe, amassing over 2 million subscribers on YouTube and Rumble. They provide positive coverage of Trump, attracting his loyal supporters. RSBN started small with a single camera at a Trump rally and now has 10 full-time employees. Their revenue comes from selling ads that cater to a conservative audience. While the broadcasts have a propaganda-like vibe, the founder claims they aim to cover Trump fairly and accurately.

Key Points

  • RSBN enables Trump to bypass traditional media and directly reach his supporters
  • Revenue primarily comes from selling ads that target a conservative audience
  • Founder claims they aim to cover Trump fairly and accurately
  • The channel's future is uncertain if Trump's comeback bid fails


  • RSBN has become a major player in Trump’s MAGA universe, amassing over 2 million subscribers on YouTube and Rumble
  • Provides positive coverage of Trump, attracting his loyal supporters
  • Started small and grew into a larger operation with 10 full-time employees


  • Revenue heavily depends on Trump's presence, making it a risky bet
  • Broadcasts have a propaganda-like vibe despite claims of fair and accurate coverage