Calls to Sanction Samidoun for Links to Hamas and Terrorism

The Biden administration faces calls to sanction Samidoun, a Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network linked to Iran's regime and Hamas. Germany and Israel have outlawed Samidoun for supporting and glorifying terrorism. The U.S. cannot designate organizations based solely on hateful speech under the First Amendment.

Key Points

  • Samidoun has links to U.S.-designated terrorist organizations like Hamas
  • Germany and Israel have banned Samidoun for supporting terrorism
  • The U.S. cannot designate organizations based solely on hateful speech under the First Amendment


  • Increased scrutiny on organizations supporting terrorism
  • Efforts to combat antisemitism and hatred
  • International collaboration to address extremist activities


  • Challenges in enforcing bans and preventing extremist activities
  • Rising antisemitism and threats to Jewish life in Germany
  • Complexities around balancing free speech and national security concerns