Former President Trump Addresses Libertarians' National Convention

Former President Trump addresses Libertarians' National Convention in an attempt to win over activists skeptical of the GOP frontrunner and independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He promises limited government and vows to include a Libertarian in his cabinet. Tensions were high leading up to his appearance, with some attendees showing support by wearing MAGA hats and others handing out signs requesting the release of Ross Ulbricht. The convention marks the first time an invite has been accepted by a Republican candidate. Attendees express mixed feelings about Republicrats' involvement in the party and hope for more press coverage on Libertarian grievances.

Key Points

  • Trump attempts to win over Libertarians by promising limited government and cabinet inclusion
  • Mixed reactions among attendees regarding Republicrats' involvement in the party
  • Calls to liberate imprisoned WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and promote peace


  • Engaging with a different political audience (Libertarians)
  • Promoting limited government and unity


  • Tensions and mixed reactions among attendees
  • Potential disruption during Trump's speech