Water Rate Hikes Due to PFAS Filtration Requirements

SOURCE thehill.com
Water systems in the U.S. are warning residents of significant rate hikes to filter out toxic chemicals known as PFAS, linked to cancers and other diseases. Utilities across the nation will need to remove these harmful substances from drinking water, potentially tripling water rates for customers.

Key Points

  • EPA mandates utilities to remove PFAS from water systems due to health risks.
  • Water bills could double or triple for customers as utilities implement PFAS filtration.
  • 6-10% of water systems may need to take action, with more potentially affected.
  • Cost of installing and maintaining filters is a major expense for water providers.
  • Settlements with PFAS manufacturers may not cover treatment costs fully.


  • Lowering communities' exposure to harmful PFAS substances.


  • Significant rate hikes for residents to cover the cost of installing and maintaining filters for PFAS removal.