Gunfire exchange at Rafah border crossing and Israeli airstrike on Hamas in Rafah

Gunfire exchange at Rafah border crossing between Egyptian service members and Israeli Defense Forces, resulting in an Egyptian soldier's death. Israeli airstrike on Hamas compound in Rafah kills two top Hamas officials and civilians. United Nations' top court orders Israel to halt military offensive against Hamas in Rafah.

Key Points

  • Gunfire exchange at Rafah border crossing between Egyptian and Israeli forces
  • Israeli airstrike in Rafah targeting Hamas officials and civilians
  • United Nations' order to halt Israeli military offensive against Hamas in Rafah


  • Efforts to review incidents and investigate tragic mistakes by both Israeli and Egyptian forces
  • Targeting of significant Hamas terrorists by Israeli Defense Forces


  • Death of an Egyptian soldier during the gunfire exchange
  • Reports of civilian harm and tragic mistake in Israeli airstrike on Hamas compound